Agreement on cooperation in the area “Social Networks and Big Data” with Tsinghua University, Beijing

At the beginning of December 2016, a new agreement with Tsinghua University, Beijing, was signed in the interdisciplinary area of “Social Networks and Big Data”. Executing institutions are the Sino-German Institute of Social Computing on the Göttingen side and the Center for Social Network Research, Tsinghua University, on the Chinese side. At the University of Göttingen, the computer scientist Prof. Dr. Fu Xiaoming is responsible for this collaboration. The agreement includes exchange of up to 10 PhD and 6 Master students per year as well as preparation of a joint International Research Training Group (IRTG). This new agreement further strengthens the cooperation with Tsinghua University and offers Master and PhD students of the University of Göttingen the opportunity for a stay at this Chinese top-university.
Dr. Frank Stiller
International Office