Dear readers, dear colleagues,
Göttingen is international. Just one example of that is last month’s introductory week during which the Incoming Office of the International Office welcomed over 400 new international students from 67 countries to the University of Göttingen. The varied programme was carried out with much enthusiasm and effort to get the new students well prepared for their time in our city. … Weiterlesen
- The HeKKSaGOn Presidents Agreed On Four Priority Areas
- Wöhler Research Institute for Sustainable Chemistry established
- Video of the Green Office Göttingen: ‚Dream Job: International Research Career‘
- Summer School in Argentina
- Cultural evenings this winter term: 4 Nov 2019, 2 Dec 2019, 6 Jan 2020
- Introductory Week for international students 7 – 11 October 2019
- First Africa-China International Workshop on „Forestland Governance, Investments and Sustainability“ – Yaoundé, 3-5 September 2019
- Coimbra Group – The Annual Three-Minute Thesis Competition
- Brochure ‚Internationalisation of Curricula‘
- Medical Care and Emergencies – Information and safety instructions for international students
- Foyer International Brochure
- Welcome Centre Guides
- Featured Programme: World Literature (B.A.) – Faculty of Humanities
- Featured Programme: SUFONAMA (M.Sc.) – Faculty of Forest Sciences
- Career Services for International Students
- New Staff at the International Office
- Göttingen International / The International Office
New Programmes and Cooperations
Upcoming Events Autumn / Winter 2019
Past Events 2019
Brochures now available for download
Featured Study Programmes
Services for International Students
Staff Updates at the International Office
New Programmes and Cooperations
The HeKKSaGOn Presidents Agreed On Four Priority Areas

The partner universities of the German-Japanese “HeKKSaGOn”-Network met for their 7th Presidents’ Conference in Heidelberg on 12 and 13 September 2019. The conference opened the second cycle of the consortium and included a meeting of the presidents in which they agreed on four interdisciplinary priority areas for the second cycle: 1. Transcultural Studies and the Transformation of Cultural Heritage, … Weiterlesen
Wöhler Research Institute for Sustainable Chemistry established

On 18 October 2019, the laboratories of the Friedrich Wöhler Research Institute for Sustainable Chemistry (WISCh) were opened at the Faculty of Chemistry in Göttingen. The research institute bundles the competencies of numerous faculty members and, in the future, also of external partners in matters of sustainable chemistry. For example, with contributions to materials from renewable resources for medical and industrial applications as well as to chemical issues in the context of the energy transition. … Weiterlesen
Video of the Green Office Göttingen: ‚Dream Job: International Research Career‘

With the support of the U4Society partners, the Göttingen Green Office has developed a video concept that highlights the sustainable engagement of Göttingen’s scientists on a world-wide scale and the general contribution of universities in conveying the importance of sustainable development.
The video ‚Dream Job: International Research Career‘ illustrates the societal role universities and scientists play for a sustainable future. … Weiterlesen
Summer School in Argentina

An international summer school under the title “How to meet UN sustainable development goals in Patagonia/ Argentina – Value of Patagonian forest and large scale natural landscapes for climate change mitigation” is held from 03.11 to 17.11 2019 in Argentina at the Forestry Research and Technology Transfer Centre of the Andean Patagonia (Centro de Investigación y Extensión Forestal Andino Patagónico (CIEFAP)) and the National University of Patagonia San Juan Bosco (UNPAT). … Weiterlesen
Upcoming Events Autumn / Winter 2019
Cultural evenings this winter term: 4 Nov 2019, 2 Dec 2019, 6 Jan 2020

Foyer International is happy to invite all students of the University of Göttingen to our Cultural evenings at the International Office / Foyer International, Von-Siebold-Straße 2.
According to a survey, which took place last semester, Japan, Serbia and Brazil were the countries that received the most interest for a cultural evening this winter term. Cultural evenings give everyone an opportunity to feel the diversity of the University of Göttingen brought by students from different countries. … Weiterlesen
Past Events 2019
Introductory Week for international students 7 – 11 October 2019

Every semester, the Incoming Office of the University of Göttingen organises an Introductory Week for international students. The week’s events include a city tour, a tour of the faculties, intercultural training and the popular programme “Introduction to Studying and Living in Göttingen”, which was conducted over two full days this year.
This informational event was kicked off with a welcome speech by the Head of the Incoming Office, … Weiterlesen
First Africa-China International Workshop on „Forestland Governance, Investments and Sustainability“ – Yaoundé, 3-5 September 2019

The first AFORPOLIS Africa-China workshop on „Forestland Governance, Investments and Sustainability“ held in Yaoundé from 3 – 5 September 2019 brought together about 120 participants from China as well as 11 different African, North American and European countries. This workshop represented a great multi-stakeholder exchange setup involving policy makers, researchers and academics, journalists, representatives from civil society organizations, … Weiterlesen
Coimbra Group – The Annual Three-Minute Thesis Competition

In June, PHD candidate Claudia Schmidt of the University of Göttingen won the annual Three-Minute Thesis competition of the Coimbra Group. The final event took place during the Coimbra Annual Meeting in Krakow, Poland at the Jagiellonian University. Ms. Schmidt presented her thesis „Reconstitution of Doa10-mediated ER-associated protein degradation with purified components“ to the audience with her research focus on molecular biology and biochemistry. … Weiterlesen
Brochures now available for download
Brochure ‚Internationalisation of Curricula‘

Around 35% of the students at the University of Göttingen go abroad during their studies to spend a semester at our partner institutions, participate in short term programmes, do an internship or conduct research for their (final) papers. As not all of our students will be able to participate in mobility options, the internationalisation of the curricula enables students to acquire academic knowledge in international contexts and practice a change in perspective in the academic activities they undertake. … Weiterlesen
Medical Care and Emergencies – Information and safety instructions for international students

This brochure has been compiled for international students offering most important medical care information and instructions in case of emergencies:
- emergency numbers
- pharmacies and hospitals in Göttingen
- recommended insurance
- advisory services for crisis management
To view the brochure please click here.
… Weiterlesen
Foyer International Brochure

The Foyer International Team is a subdivision of University of Göttingen International Office. It provides a platform for all students, regardless of their nationality, to meet and spend quality time together in events of their interest. All meetings and activities are always free of charge. The Foyer Team prepared a number of activities for this Winter Semester in a way to actualise the ever-increasing international potential here, … Weiterlesen
Welcome Centre Guides

The Welcome Centre offers two printed guides which were first published in May 2019:
1. Welcome Guide Südniedersachsen Region
This guide (avaliable in English and in German) is for everyone moving to work and live in Südniedersachsen. It provides useful general information about moving to and living in Germany, with a particular focus on the region of Südniedersachsen. … Weiterlesen
Featured Study Programmes
Featured Programme: World Literature (B.A.) – Faculty of Humanities

Is literature your passion? Do you want to pursue a professional career in it, but you do not want to limit yourself to just a single nation’s literature? Would you much rather look at the global phenomenon of literature?
Then a B.A. in World Literature seems just right for you. The B.A. in World Literature is a single bachelor programme that covers a wide spectrum of literature…
from old-Icelandic epics to the Chinese novella, … Weiterlesen
Featured Programme: SUFONAMA (M.Sc.) – Faculty of Forest Sciences

The Erasmus Mundus Joint Master’s programme in “Sustainable Forest and Nature Management”(SUFONAMA) is a two-year world-class integrated programme aimed at qualifying graduates for dealing with the enormous challenges in sustainable management of natural resources, namely the challenge of management of forests and nature areas.
The programme strives to instil in students:
- a firm theoretical foundation
- the ability to function on the international scene,
Services for International Students
Career Services for International Students

The Career Service of the University offers a variety of possibilities for students who want to start their career path planning outside academia in a global context. Especially for international students who want to gain working experiences in Germany, an advisory service in English, career tools and programmes are provided for this target group. … Weiterlesen
Staff Updates at the International Office
New Staff at the International Office

Julia Zimmer joined the International Office / International Marketing team at the end of July 2019. She is primarily in charge of revising and updating the existing web pages of the International Office as well as the Welcome Centre Website of the Göttingen Campus and the Südniedersachsen Region.
Julia has a BA degree in International Tourism Management and she is a trained web designer and event manager. … Weiterlesen
Göttingen International / The International Office
For general questions regarding this newsletter, please contact:
Patricia Nehring
Head of International Marketing
University of Göttingen
phone: +49 551/39 21339
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