Introductory Event for New International Students – Winter Semester 2022/23

On 13 October 2022, the official welcome event for newly arrived international students in Göttingen took place at the Aula of the University, after 2 years online finally back in presence. After a formal welcome, a panel discussion with international students provided first-hand tips on living and studying in Göttingen. „Try to stay positive, try to embrace new cultures, try to be open to new culture & new people, and try to find some German friends“, recommended Liu Siyuan (international tutor, Studentenwerk). Luís Henriques Ribeiro,  Bassel Dib (both Erasmus Student Network) and Campbell MacGillivray and Michael Ekaba  (both International Student Council) also shared their experiences.

At the following information marketplace, international students could find out about offers and advisory services on the topics of studying, leisure & living in Göttingen, student engagement, working & networking, and communication (including German courses) at 26 booths.

The event offered many opportunities for information, networking and socializing and ended with guided tours through Göttingen and the University’s museum of knowledge, Forum Wissen.

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The International Office – Incoming Office
Phone: Hotline-International students and applicants: +49 (0)551 39 27777