Apply for ENLIGHT Awards
ENLIGHT R&I ECR Mobility Award
The Enlight R&I ECR Mobility Award facilitates mobility/travel for promising joint collaborations – in research fields linked to the five Enlight flagship domains – between early career researchers from different Enlight consortium partners. The flagship domains are: Health and Wellbeing, Digital revolution and Impact of digitization, Climate change, Energy and Circular economy.
The Enlight R&I PRIZE is an annual award intended to provide additional support to a promising project or project proposal jointly conducted by early career researchers from different (minimum two) Enlight consortium partners and focusing on one of the five Enlight flagship domains.
ENLIGHT Open Science Award 2023
The Enlight Open Science Award will be awarded in 2023 for the first time. It aims at initiatives or projects that contribute to the Enlight Open Science agenda and that promote Open Science within the Enlight community, network and beyond.
Dr. Aleksandra Bovt
Coordination „ENLIGHT Communication“
Phone: +49 551/39 21355