Annual Alumni Meeting 2018 in China

The annual meeting of the Association of Chinese Alumni of the University of Göttingen took place on 4th November 2018 at Fudan University in Shanghai. The 65 participants from various regions of China experienced a diversified lecture programme themed “China and Multilateral Collaboration in a Globalised Environment”. In the first presentation, Frank Stiller (University of Göttingen) summarised new developments at the University of Göttingen and in its cooperation with China. Then, Shao Wanlei (Luther Law Offices Shanghai) spoke about the present regulatory environment for Chinese investments in Germany and the European Union, and Sun Jing (Oiltanking China Co Ltd.) gave an overview of the legislation regarding sanctions. Jiang Lixi (Zhejiang University) reported about a joint research project between Zhejiang University and the University of Kiel on elevating the seed oil content in raps. Finally, Andreas Guder (University of Göttingen) provided a summary of the current situation of the subject Chinese as a Foreign Language in Germany. After a general discussion on various alumni-related issues, the University of Göttingen invited the alumni to a joint lunch. The lively discussions after each presentation as well as the motivated conversation during the joint lunch contributed to a further intensification of the networking among the alumni as well as with the University of Göttingen.


Dr. Frank Stiller
Göttingen International/The International Office