International Cooperation for Modelling in the Agricultural Field

On September 13 and 14, 2017, a joint workshop between plant scientists, agronomists and agricultural modelers from the University of Göttingen and the Hebrew University of Jerusalem took place in Rehovot, Israel. At the  workshop entitled “Linking Modelling and Experimentation”, researchers discussed food supply in the face of a growing world population and global warming. They focused on modelling systems to support the cultivation of crops.

The workshop was characterised by a high degree of interdisciplinary exchange between the scientists and modelers. On Hebrew University’s campus, concepts, challenges and possibilities of modelling for plant science as well as new methodical developments and outcomes of the European network CLIMBAR were presented and discussed.

One of the main outcomes of this workshop was the renewed realization that close international and interdisciplinary cooperation is the key to handling these global issues.

Scientists of the Tropical Plant Production and Agricultural Systems Modelling seminar of the University of Göttingen hosted the workshop together with scientists from Jerusalem, Finland and Spain. It was financially supported by Göttingen International. This support is granted for the interdisciplinary partnership with Hebrew University on an annual basis and will soon be advertised for the upcoming year.

For further information, please contact Dr. Esther von Richthofen.

Dr. Esther von Richthofen
International Office/Göttingen International
Phone: +49 551 39/21322