Guests from UBC Vancouver at the Annual Retreat of the IRTG 2172 PRoTECT

PRoTECT (Plant Responses to Eliminate Critical threats) is a DFG-funded International Research Training Group (IRTG) in the field of molecular plant sciences, especially interested in plant-microbe and plant-insect interactions. The IRTG is a collaborative programme between research groups of the University Göttingen and research groups of the University of British Columbia in Vancouver (UBC).

The group hold an annual retreat where the PhD students give talks about their research. In addition, the thesis committees meet with the students to discuss the progress of their work. In 2016, the retreat took place in Vancouver; in 2017 the group gathered in Göttingen area. Burg Ludwigstein proved to be a perfect retreat place with rustique rooms, cozy common areas and surroundings but also a very modern and light conference room. A perfect environment for work and gathering!

The group had a very tight schedule with 21 presentations by PhD students from Göttingen and Vancouver, as well as professors. Several researchers used the opportunity and stayed in Göttingen several months longer, working in the lab of Prof. Ivo Feussner, German speaker of the IRTG. In addition to the scientific programme, a social programme was organised as well.

The webpage of the IRTG can be found here.