Dear readers, dear colleagues,
in this newsletter we report about our university’s excellent central services and programmes for international students, researchers and staff. We also report about funding, scholarships and events fostering the internationalisation of our university.
We support faculties in promoting chosen study programmes and introduce you to the new staff of the International Office. … Weiterlesen
- European Union funds European University ENLIGHT with additional 2.5 million euros
- Welcome Centre and UMG Welcome Cohorts of International Nursing Staff to Göttingen
- Save the date: IVAC summer festival (23rd of August until 3rd of September 2021)
- Applications welcome! International Alumni Programme – Adam von Trott Ambassadors of Change
- EU launched New 7-year Erasmus+ Programme
- New Coimbra Group Report – Career Services in Times of Covid-19
- Call for Projects // Sustainable Small-scale Land Use and Urban Gardening
- University of Göttingen was awarded another five Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships
- Four University of Göttingen Students Selected for Fulbright Travel Scholarships
- Horizon Europe (2021-2027): Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA)
- DAAD – New Calls Published
- Anti-Discrimination Counselling for Students
- “Nachholen, Aufholen, Dranbleiben” – Support for Students with Children during the Corona Pandemic
- Göttingen International has a new Brochure: “Wege ins Ausland” – Programmes and Support Services for Going Abroad
- Career Offers on Applying and Working in Germany and Abroad
- Virtual Student Orientation for International Students
- RISE – Reflecting on the International Student Experience
- MA Programme “Modern Indian Studies”
- New English Master Programme: Forest and Ecosystems Sciences (M.Sc.)
- Conference „The Impact of Digitisation on Internationalisation“ (23-24 March 2021)
- A Successful Online Kick-off for the European University ENLIGHT
- Philipp Messmer
- Christopher Zander
- Susanne Gräbner
- Dr. Markus Auditor
- Annabel Konermann
New Programmes and Cooperation
Scholarships and Funding
Services for Students and International Students in Göttingen
Featured Programmes
Past Events 2021
Staff Updates at the International Office
New Programmes and Cooperation
European Union funds European University ENLIGHT with additional 2.5 million euros

The University of Göttingen, together with its partners of the European University Alliance ENLIGHT, has received further funding of around 2.5 million euros. With the support of the European Commission, the partner universities can expand their joint research and innovation structures. The goal of the project „ENLIGHT RISE“ (Research and Innovation agenda with and for SociEty) is to deploy a comprehensive joint transformation agenda, … Weiterlesen
Welcome Centre and UMG Welcome Cohorts of International Nursing Staff to Göttingen

“A year and a half ago I could not imagine that I would be at this point. I work independently, speak German, and I feel great at work. It wasn’t easy but I am happy!” (Laila Radif from Italy)
Since 2019, the Welcome Centre for the Göttingen Campus has been working in cooperation with the Nursing Service of the University Medical Centre Göttingen (UMG). … Weiterlesen
Save the date: IVAC summer festival (23rd of August until 3rd of September 2021)

We are happy to inform you about the upcoming virtual IVAC summer festival which will take place from the 23rd of August until the 3rd of September 2021.
The IVAC festival – funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (IVAC program) – allows students and teaching staff from the University of Göttingen as well as from international partner universities to partake in a multifaceted program constituted of disciplinary and transdisciplinary events. … Weiterlesen
Applications welcome! International Alumni Programme – Adam von Trott Ambassadors of Change

Apply now and be one of 20 international alumni of the University of Göttingen who will participate in the Adam von Trott Ambassadors of Change International Alumni Program. The programme is organized by the University in cooperation with Alumni Göttingen and offers one week of workshops, discussions and talks. The aim of the programme is to empower international alumni to implement and communicate positive change at both local and international levels. … Weiterlesen
EU launched New 7-year Erasmus+ Programme

Erasmus+, the new EU programme for education, training and sport, was launched on March 25th, 2021. With an estimated budget of 26.2B euros, Erasmus+ supports those priorities and activities set out in the European Education Area, the Digital Education Action Plan and in the European Skills Agenda.
The programme places a strong focus on social inclusion, … Weiterlesen
New Coimbra Group Report – Career Services in Times of Covid-19

The Coimbra Group published a new report “Career services in times of Covid-19: Challenges, Responses and Best Practices”, developed within its Employability Working Group. Covid-19 has changed the labour market, impacting students’ employability. It required University career services to deal with students and recruiters in a new way.
This report draws on the experiences of career services in Coimbra Group universities (including Göttingen) from across Europe, … Weiterlesen
Scholarships and Funding
Call for Projects // Sustainable Small-scale Land Use and Urban Gardening

In August 2020 Alumni Göttingen was provided with an garden allotment close to the Kiessee. For 2021, all students are invited to hand in projects that can be realized in the garden. In cooperation with Alumni Göttingen, WissenWecken gGmbH Stiftung provides funding for projects related to sustainable small-scale land use, urban gardening or environmental education. … Weiterlesen
University of Göttingen was awarded another five Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships

In the last call of the Horizon 2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships, the University of Göttingen was awarded five grants with a total budget of more than 1MM euros. This is despite MSCA fellowships being among the most competitive and prestigious awards in Europe, aimed at supporting the best and the most promising scientists. … Weiterlesen
Four University of Göttingen Students Selected for Fulbright Travel Scholarships

Fulbright – in higher education circles one of the most recognized and highly regarded international scholarship programmes. Established in 1946, the mission of the Fulbright Program is to promote transnational understanding through academic and scientific exchange between the US and over 160 nations and territories worldwide. The German-American Fulbright Commission (Fulbright Germany) advances this mission through scholarships and exchange programmes for study, … Weiterlesen
Horizon Europe (2021-2027): Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA)

On 2 February 2021, the European Commission announced the official launch of Horizon Europe, the new EU Research and Innovation programme that runs from 2021 – 2027 with an estimated budget of 95.5B euros.
The „Excellent Science“ pillar bundles the bottom-up funding programmes within Horizon Europe, among those the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA), the European mobility measures since 1997. … Weiterlesen
DAAD – New Calls Published

On 1 April 2021, the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) published new calls for 14 higher education programmes:
To support the internationalisation of teaching, the DAAD offers funding for “Visiting Lectureships” for international academics to teach at a German university. The call is open for all fields and subjects until 15 July 2021. … Weiterlesen
Services for Students and International Students in Göttingen
Anti-Discrimination Counselling for Students

The Anti-discrimination Counselling Office of the University of Göttingen provides support for students on all matters concerning (anti)discrimination. Counselling is particularly aimed toward students who have experienced or observed discrimination at Göttingen University. Students who have concerns regarding discriminating structures, gender or race-based exclusion or violence, or on how to avoid or to better understand possibly discriminating behaviour, … Weiterlesen
“Nachholen, Aufholen, Dranbleiben” – Support for Students with Children during the Corona Pandemic

University’s FamilienService supports students who are looking after their children during the corona pandemic as they are working to complete their studies. FamilienService can arrange for childcare for student parents who are caring for a child, in the event that their childcare has been cancelled and the students need to take part in a seminar, … Weiterlesen
Göttingen International has a new Brochure: “Wege ins Ausland” – Programmes and Support Services for Going Abroad

The ‘International relations’ division at the International Office encompasses the management and expansion of international cooperation initiatives and strategic networks, as well as the promotion of exchange opportunities abroad. These efforts are complemented by the development and coordination of externally funded projects through the EU and DAAD as well as efforts to promote the visibility of the University at home and abroad. … Weiterlesen
Career Offers on Applying and Working in Germany and Abroad

Workshops on the application process in English and German
In the summer term, the University’s Career Service offers virtual workshops and training on the application process in German and English:
- Individual appointments: Mock Interviews in English (in cooperation with Göttingen International)
- 05. Make it a match – Applying successfully in English
- 05.
Virtual Student Orientation for International Students

For the third semester in a row the Coronavirus pandemic has made it impossible to welcome our new students on site. Digital presentations can convey information well, but the International Office wanted to give the University a face and to greet our new students with more personal words of welcome and guidance. We are therefore pleased to announce that we held a ‚virtual orientation’ for the summer semester: identical events in German (30.03.) and English (31.03.) provided general information on the organization of studies as well as on living in Göttingen. … Weiterlesen
RISE – Reflecting on the International Student Experience

Foyer International invites all international students to join RISE (Reflecting the International Student Experience) which takes place four times per semester. Each RISE session is carefully structured, covers different aspects of student life, and helps students overcome the challenges of being an international student in Göttingen. For those students who are looking for resiliency, information, support and engagement, … Weiterlesen
Featured Programmes
MA Programme “Modern Indian Studies”

The M.A. in Modern Indian Studies is an interdisciplinary programme focusing on cultural, social, political and economic developments in contemporary India. In the study programme, students seek to address a number of fundamental questions that include: What lessons can we glean from history in order to understand contemporary Indian society? How is India’s democracy poised to tackle issues of social and economic inequality? … Weiterlesen
New English Master Programme: Forest and Ecosystems Sciences (M.Sc.)

The Faculty of Forest Sciences and Forest Ecology offers a new master’s programme:
“M.Sc. Forest and Ecosystem Sciences (FES)”.
Examining the forest and forest ecosystem from various perspectives: ecosystem analysis and modelling, ecosystems sciences and tropical and international forestry – you can specialize in one of these three foci as your individually chosen forestry topic. … Weiterlesen
Past Events 2021
Conference „The Impact of Digitisation on Internationalisation“ (23-24 March 2021)

The current pandemic poses unprecedented challenges for international cooperation, exchange and mobility but at the same time accelerates the digitalization in various parts of our professional and private lives. Both developments are important to science and higher education and can be used as an opportunity to form new sustainable approaches that use digitalization to improve internationalization at universities. … Weiterlesen
A Successful Online Kick-off for the European University ENLIGHT

In early March 2020, the European University ENLIGHT was officially launched. ENLIGHT unites the universities of the Basque Country, Bordeaux, Bratislava, Galway, Ghent, Göttingen, Groningen, Tartu and Uppsala. The aim of the network is to drive a transformation of higher education as well as the innovation of research in order to promote sustainability, global engagement and equitable quality of life. … Weiterlesen
Staff Updates at the International Office
Philipp Messmer

Philipp Messmer joined the International Office / Education and Mobility Programmes team at the beginning of February 2021. He is responsible for the coordination and administration of the IVAC project “Change of Perspective” which is funded by the German Academic Exchange Service.
Philipp holds a MSc in Education (policy and international development) from the University of Bristol (UK) and a BA in linguistics and educational science from Bielefeld University. … Weiterlesen
Christopher Zander

Christopher Zander joined the International Relations team, specifically the Enlight project, at Göttingen International in April 2021. He is responsible for financial management, especially the administration of third-party funds and the preparation of financial reports.
Christopher studied at the University of Göttingen and holds a master’s degree in „Labour in Society“. He has also completed an apprenticeship as a banker. … Weiterlesen
Susanne Gräbner

Susanne Gräbner joined the International Office / International Marketing team at the end of November 2020. She is primarily in charge of revising and updating the existing web pages of the International Office.
Susanne holds a master’s degree in translation and journalism and she is a certified intercultural trainer and teacher of German as a foreign language. … Weiterlesen
Dr. Markus Auditor

In January 2021, Dr. Markus Auditor joined the International Relations Team at Göttingen International as a project coordinator for the ENLIGHT Network. He is responsible for the implementation of the agenda of the ENLIGHT work package four (WP4), developing projects for enhancing mobility and international learning opportunities with the universities in the network.
For many years he trained teachers and worked in internationalisation at universities. … Weiterlesen
Annabel Konermann

Annabel Konermann joined the Integration & Inclusion team of the Incoming Office in January 2021. As a „Start Guide“, she supports international graduates, students and those whose studies are incomplete in their transition to the labour market.
Start Guides is a project funded by the Lower Saxony Ministry of Economics, Labour, Transport and Digitalisation. … Weiterlesen