Why do we need data analytics in everyday life and at work? – Anecdotes from podcasting and business consulting | Alumni Göttingen Online

Data is everywhere, but rarely used strategically and in a way that profits from advanced analytics. Based on data analysis, we can all take better and informed decisions:

How efficient is my running training?
Which doctor has a proven expertise in treating my illness?
How do I recognize fake news?
How does marketing analysis work?

Alumna Dr. Annika Bergbauer will cover these and other cases of implementing data analysis in her Alumni Göttingen Online talk on September 29. She will describe how data analysis works, present success stories and stories of failure of data projects in business and research.


Find out more and register for this event: https://www.alumni-goettingen.de/s/alumnionline

Find all our events on our website: www.alumni-goettingen.de/termine/

Asmik Kostandian
Alumni Göttingen
Email: asmik.kostandian@alumni.uni-goettingen.de