Dear readers, dear colleagues,


The COVID 19 pandemic has caused challenges globally, but we can be positive about the substantial progress that is happening at our University during this transitional time.

The University of Göttingen is working hard to keep everyone informed about the processes and changes. In this newsletter you will find a summary of University information services including links to FAQ webpages, social media channels and information offered by our partners.

Göttingen University is further developing digital teaching and learning. This applies to more than just the courses that are now, due to the Coronavirus, scheduled to begin in virtual formats on 20 April (or later). With regards to digitalisation and internationalisation, read about the project liveSciences3, which received funding of approx. 2.2 million euros to develop digital services and tools within a newly founded Life Science Network. Read also about “Enlight”, a network set up to promote sustainability and global engagement through higher education transformation.

Göttingen University is committed to adjusting and developing numerous central services for students, researchers, staff and alumni.Digital formats are increasingly used across the board. Read about the online introductory services of the Incoming Office for international students, new initiatives of the Alumni office, career support as well as advisory services of the Outgoing Team at the International Office for students who wish to go abroad, to name just a few.

It is more important than ever to facilitate access to higher education for students with refugee backgrounds. Göttingen University is committed to social responsibility.  Find out how recently raised funds by the International Office will support language and intercultural courses as well as enable coaching on labour market integration.

The current transitions are fostering internationalisation at our University on an increasingly digital level. One could say that internationalisation is now happening even more so than before.

I hope you will find this newsletter informative.


Wishing you and your families all the best during this challenging time. Stay safe, stay positive.


Patricia Nehring
Head of International Marketing
The International Office