Visit of the Italian Ambassador, His Excellency Pietro Benassi

On 28 November 2017, His Excellency, the Italian Ambassador Pietro Benassi visited Göttingen and its university. During his short visit, he held a speech on “Italy and Germany – Joint Responsibility for the European Project”. Additionally, the importance of the Italian language at German universities was highlighted, once by His Excellency himself as well as by the welcoming words from Prof. Dr. Franziska Meier, director of the Department of Romanic Studies at the University of Göttingen.

During his speech, the ambassador emphasised the responsibility of both countries, Germany and Italy, especially for their young generations. Much more should be done for the young people in Europe, for example by establishing a common European educational area. This point was taken from the European social summit at Göteborg, which took place mid-November. Especially the younger generation shows a large interest in other cultures and willingness to broaden their horizon. This generation could be supported in continuing this path, for example by fostering the Erasmus-programme.

Additionally, the Ambassador wished for a higher importance of the Italian language at German universities. He proposed several options for strengthening the language, for example via opening Italian centres or developing more double-degree programmes.

The Ambassador did not only shed light on the universities, but also on the European Union itself. 2017 has been a highly important year for the union, which has been marked by farewells (e.g. the Brexit) but also by a growing responsibility (e.g. for refugees).

In conclusion, he emphasised the strong will for cooperation among European states. Both Italy and Germany are willing to invest further into Europe, which he sees as an investment into the future and solidarity.

After his speech, the Ambassador met the Vice-President of the University of Göttingen, Prof. Dr. Hiltraud Casper-Hehne and further colleagues from the University, especially from the Faculty of Humanities. He was accompanied by the General Consul from Hanover, Mr Giorgio Taborri, and the Director of the Italian cultural institute, Prof. Luigi Reitani. The focal point of this meeting was further strengthening of the Italian language at the University of Göttingen.